Why Is Diversity in Engineering Important, and How Can You Focus on Diversity in 2023?

diversity in engineering

It should go without saying that an engineer, no matter the specialty, can be any race, gender, religion, sexuality, or any other minority demographic. However, according to Zippa’s accumulation of engineer demographics and statistics in the U.S., the demographics of engineers have hardly changed since 2010. When employers commit to diversity in engineering, the company […]

What Are Graduating Engineers Looking For in a Job?

asian male holding a diploma and wearing graduation gown and hard helmet

Every year, approximately 70,000 students graduate college with engineering degrees and enter the workforce. The engineering industry is highly competitive, and as a result, employers are looking to hire the best engineers. However, job seekers want more out of their careers than a high salary and generous benefits.  So, what exactly are graduating engineers looking […]

7 Tips for Making a Good Impression During a Job Interview

making good impression during job interview

While it may be a daunting process, it’s important for candidates to understand how to approach a job interview to ensure each exchange with a potential employer is valuable and successful for both parties. Though there are certain measures employers can take on their end to appeal to candidates, job searchers themselves must also work […]

Recruiting Trends for 2023

recruiting trends for 2023

With a new year comes new trends and challenges in recruiting, affecting the hiring process for many businesses. New technology, job market opportunities, and standards set during the COVID-19 pandemic have all contributed to the recruiting landscape for 2023. To secure the best candidates in the coming year, recruiters will need to know how to […]

How to Recruit Diverse Engineering Talent

recruiting diverse engineering talent

Those hiring in different engineering fields often struggle to find diverse talent, leading many to wonder how to recruit diverse employees. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for finding and creating diverse engineering teams; however, there are ways that companies can fundamentally change how they hire to allow for more underrepresented groups in their workforce. […]

Why You Should Engage an Engineering Recruiting Firm

engineering recruiting firm

The recruiting and hiring process is time-consuming in every industry. However, it can be even more difficult for managers at engineering firms to find time in their busy schedules. If your engineering firm is looking to hire qualified, talented candidates, there are many reasons you should consider hiring a professional recruiting firm. At Austin Nichols, […]

6 Questions to Ask Prospective Candidates for a Construction Manager Position

construction manager

Hiring managers are placed in the unique position of talking to lots of prospective candidates. During interviews, it is the goal of the hiring manager to determine if someone is a good fit for the company and position at which they are applying. To do this, interviewers need to ask questions that will elicit a […]

Second Quarter Staffing Employment at 18-Year High

staffing employment

The American Staffing Association’s Staffing Employment and Sales Survey discovered that staffing companies in the United States employed an average of 3.2 million people in temporary and contract positions per week in the second quarter of 2018. This is the largest number of people employed in any second quarter since 2000. Q2 2018 also marks […]

Tips for Hiring Success with the Preclosing Technique


With so many open jobs, job seekers can pick and choose between numerous different job opportunities. To make sure you hire the best candidate for your open engineering or manufacturing position, you will want to do all you can to snag quality talent. As you make your open position known, you’ll see a lot of […]

The Hidden Costs of Hiring a New Employee


At some point, every company is going to need to bring in new employees. Unfortunately, this can be incredibly time-consuming and expensive. In many cases, companies end up spending thousands of dollars to find talented employees on their own. The costs include advertising fee, referral bonuses, travel expenses for applicants, and more. When it comes […]