The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Construction Project Manager

hiring construction project manager

A construction project manager is an essential part of any team looking to complete a project at a construction site. With so many different moving parts and processes, hiring a construction project manager who can effectively manage all the pieces is crucial for project success. Unfortunately, construction project managers are in high demand, making this […]

Why Has the U.S. Lost So Many Manufacturing Jobs?

Manufacturing Jobs in Kansas City

More material goods are being manufactured than ever before. However, the United States manufacturing job market has been on a steady decline since the early 2000s. Economists have varying opinions on the real reason (or reasons) why the U.S. has lost so many manufacturing jobs. At Austin Nichols, we working with individuals to find manufacturing […]

Engineering Fields Make Up Most of the Highest-Paying College Majors


Engineering majors are often touted as some of the highest-paying college majors, but is it true? As more research comes out, it has become easier to determine which college majors offer the highest-paying jobs. While you shouldn’t just choose a major based on the money, salary does play a role in selecting a major for […]

Demand for Engineering Professionals is Rapidly Growing

engineering recruiting firm

The engineering field is currently enjoying a massive boom. With a 16-year low in the field’s unemployment rate and a record number of job openings, there’s never been a better time to be an engineer…or a harder time to lock in the top talent for you engineering firm. With competition fiercer than it’s ever been, […]