7 Tips for Making a Good Impression During a Job Interview

making good impression during job interview

Evan McDowell

Talent Acquisition Manager

While it may be a daunting process, it’s important for candidates to understand how to approach a job interview to ensure each exchange with a potential employer is valuable and successful for both parties. Though there are certain measures employers can take on their end to appeal to candidates, job searchers themselves must also work to leave a lasting impression. To land the job position you’re looking for, here are some tips for navigating the interview process and making a good impression during a job interview.

1. Research the Company

Before going into an interview, it’s important to research the company you’re interviewing with. This includes understanding the company’s values, mission, and goals. You should also research the job description thoroughly to ensure you understand the role’s requirements and expectations.

Additionally, take some time to research the interviewer, if possible. Look up their LinkedIn profile or read their bio on the company’s website. This will give you an idea of their background and experience and help you connect with them better during the interview.

If you don’t know who will be interviewing you, it’s all the more important to do your research on the company ahead of time to know what exactly you’re getting into to make a good impression during a job interview.

2. Practice What You’ll Say

Before the interview, you’ll want to practice answering common interview questions. Or, in the very least, you should prepare specific examples of your past experiences that relate to the job you’re interviewing for. While you won’t know every question the interviewer will ask you, it’s better to be prepared and have an idea of what you’ll say.

Answering questions with a friend or family member is a great way to prepare. This can help you feel more confident during the actual interview, and you can receive feedback on your answers and how you respond to ensure you’ll make the right impression when it comes time to talk to the employer.

3. Dress Appropriately

The way you dress for an interview can have a significant impact on the interviewer’s perception of you. During a job interview, first impressions are everything. If you aren’t dressed appropriately, the hiring manager or recruiter may not treat your interview the same as they would with someone who looks their best.

Dress professionally, and make sure your attire is appropriate for the job you’re interviewing for. If you’re unsure what to wear, it’s always better to overdress than underdress.

how to prepare for a job interview

4. Be Respectful

Landing an interview with a company means that the employer is going out of their way to devote time to talk to you. The least you can do is be respectful of their time and cognizant of how you address and interact with them during the interview.

First, plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. Even if you choose to wait in your car or outside the building until your interview appointment time, arriving early gives you time to find the location, settle in, and even calm your nerves. This also shows a potential employer that you are punctual and reliable.

In addition, always be respectful during the interview, as well. Acting professionally and remaining open-minded are ways to show the employer that you appreciate the time they are devoting to you.

5. Ask the Right Questions

One of the most important interviewing tips is to ask the right questions. Coming into the interview without any questions can be off-putting for an employer, as they typically expect candidates to inquire about the position and company, and they want to see that you have done your research. Asking questions is also a sign that you prepared for the interview ahead of time.

Besides impressing the employer, you’ll want to ask questions for your own benefit, as well. Appealing to an employer is part of the interview process, but making sure the job is the perfect fit for you is just as important.

If you need additional information about the position or the company itself to be fully sold on whether this is the next career move for you, now is the time to ask.

6. Be Responsive and Avoid Ghosting

Ghosting potential employers has become increasingly common in recent years, with job seekers simply disappearing without any explanation. As a candidate, it’s important to meet communication objectives and be responsive if the employer reaches back out to you after the interview is over. Otherwise, you may come off as unprofessional and disrespectful, which can have negative consequences.

By not replying or following up with an employer, you may damage your reputation. Hiring managers and recruiters often network and talk to each other, so if you ghost one company, it’s possible the word will spread, and other employers may be hesitant to work with you in the future. This is especially true if you are applying for jobs within the same industry.

Moreover, ghosting potential employers can lead to missed opportunities. Even if you’ve decided that the job or the company isn’t the right fit for you, it’s essential to communicate that with the hiring manager or recruiter. They may have other positions that may be more suitable for you, or they may consider you for future job openings. By not responding, you’re closing the door on potential opportunities.

Finally, ghosting potential employers is simply disrespectful. Companies invest time, money, and resources into the hiring process, and by not showing up for an interview or not responding to follow-up communication, you’re wasting their time and effort. Hiring managers and recruiters often have tight deadlines and need to fill positions quickly, and ghosting only delays the process and creates unnecessary stress and frustration.

how to navigate interview process

7. Follow Up

Making a good impression during a job interview also means following up afterward. Sending a simple thank you via email is a great way to leave a positive impression on the hiring manager or recruiter. It’s also a great opportunity for you to express your appreciation for the opportunity and the employer’s time, and reiterate why you’re interested in the position.

Interviewing for a new job can be a nerve-wracking experience for many candidates, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right preparation and mindset, you can handle the interview process with ease and increase your chances of landing your dream position.

At Austin Nichols, we specialize in placing candidates in the engineering, manufacturing, and construction industries. Contact us today to get started!



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