Why Are More Women Considering Jobs In Construction?

female construction worker

Evan McDowell

Talent Acquisition Manager

In recent years, the construction industry has witnessed a notable shift as an increasing number of women are interested in pursuing careers within this traditionally male-dominated field. The construction industry, which has historically had a gender imbalance, is changing dramatically due to increased efforts to bring more women into the field.

This evolution has sparked widespread curiosity and conversation, prompting us to delve deeper into the underlying factors that inspire and empower more women to consider jobs in construction.

Explore how recruiting women into construction jobs is changing the industry and benefiting both individuals and the sector.

How Many Women Are In Construction?

The number of women in construction and engineering is growing, with 37 percent of new higher education graduates entering the construction industry being women. Currently, women make up about 14 percent of professionals in the construction field, but this percentage is expected to increase.

Stereotypes about gender-specific roles are slowly fading as more women opt for careers in construction and engineering. This trend indicates a positive shift towards greater gender diversity in these sectors, highlighting the potential for even more women to join and excel in roles normally dominated by men.

What Are the Challenges of Female Construction Workers?

Recruiting women to the construction industry has been a positive step toward gender diversity, but it also brings to light several significant challenges female construction workers face. These challenges include tackling deep-rooted stereotypes and biases, often leading to unequal opportunities and pay disparities.

As more women are recruited into the construction industry, there is a simultaneous rise in organizations and institutions dedicated to supporting their careers. These groups provide valuable networking opportunities, fostering awareness about the potential within the construction sector and actively contributing to recruiting women to construction companies

Slowly but steadily, the construction field is becoming more inclusive and accessible for women, offering newfound possibilities and resources for their professional growth.

female construction worker holding tablet

4 Reasons Women Should Consider a Career in Construction

If you are a woman considering a career in construction, there are many benefits you can receive, including making more money and earning scholarships. Working with a construction recruitment company can help you find the right path—whether that’s an entry-level position or a construction management job.

1. There Are Many Job Opportunities

One significant reason for women to consider entering the construction field is the industry’s pressing need for additional workers. It is projected that by 2023, there will be a nationwide demand for 1.5 million workers in the construction industry, as more and more young professionals are not pursuing careers in this field. In 2007, 12.5 percent of workers under 25 pursued construction, but by 2018, this number had declined to only nine percent.

To address this workforce shortage and maintain project efficiency, the construction industry is actively seeking ways to attract more talent, with women playing a vital role in filling this gap. Without assistance, construction projects may experience longer timelines and higher costs.

2. There Is a Smaller Pay Gap

While it is an unfortunate reality in the United States that women only earn about 81.1 percent of what men make, that is not quite the case in the construction industry. According to a study by the NAWIC, women in construction jobs earn almost as much as men, about 99.1 percent for the same work.

Even professionals working in entry-level positions have the potential to earn a substantial starting salary. To find the best opportunity possible, work with a construction recruiter.

3. There Are Opportunities for Scholarships

If you ever envisioned yourself going to college or trade school by working in the construction industry, you may have the opportunity to. Many construction companies offer scholarships to employees who are eager to learn more and expand their skills.

For example, the NAWIC offers scholarships that award over $100,000 to students studying construction-related subjects all over the country. There are additional women-specific scholarship programs that you can apply for, including:

  • Association of Women Contractors Scholarship
  • NAHB Professional Women in Building Strategies for Success Scholarship
  • Association for Women in Construction

4. There Are Various Types of Roles

A benefit of working in the construction industry is that there are many different job opportunities to choose from. Whether you want to work in a residential or commercial setting, you have the chance to apply your skills in many different fields.

Women have diverse career options within the construction industry beyond on-site construction jobs. They can explore roles like construction manager, safety manager, inspector, and more. This sector offers many opportunities to match various skills and interests.

two female construction workers

How to Get Started as a Woman in Construction

Are you ready to start your career in the construction industry? There are various avenues you can take to find a job, such as:

  • Using a Job Board
  • Networking With Other Professionals
  • Creating a Portfolio
  • Updating Your Resume

However, one of the best ways to find a job in the construction industry is by working with an experienced recruiter. These professionals are dedicated to recruiting women into construction and finding the best position for you.

Why Should Companies Hire Female Construction Workers?

Diversity in the workplace leads to many benefits. Firstly, it enhances creativity and problem-solving by bringing different perspectives to the conversation. Beyond that, it fosters a more inclusive and respectful work environment, promoting effective teamwork and reducing conflicts.

Hiring more women in construction positions enhances a company’s reputation as a forward-thinking and socially responsible place, which can attract more clients and customers.

How Can Construction Companies Appeal to Women?

To appeal to women, construction companies should prioritize creating inclusive and welcoming work environments. This includes implementing equal pay policies, offering mentorship and training programs, and actively recruiting women.

Company leadership should address issues like workplace harassment and ensure safety measures are in place. Our team at Austin Nichols Technical Search is dedicated to helping you find the right match for construction jobs in Kansas City. We have the best construction recruiters in the area and are ready to help you. Contact us today or call us at 816-471-5575 to learn more.



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